The way I see it, when it comes to race and conversations around reconciliation, “the white person’s burden” continues to be the fear of being labeled a racist.  The way I see it, many White people can feel as though there is no space to ask questions about race or explore the topic with non-white people without feeling judged right away.   The way I see it, many White people can even feel like they aren’t able to publicly disagree with non-white people regarding ideologies and philosophies about race without the fear of being called a racist or insensitive.  Therefore, lots of White people choose to stay out of the conversation altogether.

Don’t we all need a place to have safe conversations around race instead of heated arguments?  Is there a place for the perceived “oppressor” to be quick to listen and slow to speak and for the perceived “oppressed” to be slow to become angry?

What I am not talking about is making mean-spirited, flippant remarks that dehumanize people.  What I am talking about is real conversation between real people.  Is there a place where well-meaning (White) people can ask questions, stumble and fall and put their footin their mouths and learn from…dare i say… their non-White brothers and sisters?

In the Bible, Paul speaks of “offering our bodies as living sacrifices” as our spiritual act of worship to God.  What if becoming safe places for people around the topic of race were part of that sacrifice?

White people are a critical part of the conversation on race and reconciliation.  They matter too, and so do their own stories of pain and rejection.

What do you think about this?